High School Equivalency Programs
An Alternative to the High School
It’s never too late to earn your high school diploma or equivalency; build foundational language and math skills; and open up new opportunities for employment, workforce training, or college. Learn more about the various ways to increase your academic skills and earn a high school credential through Catholic Charities Boston.
High School Equivalency (GED/Hi-SET) and Adult Basic Education (ABE) Programs
Out-of-school youth and adults can enroll in one of our high school equivalency / adult basic education programs. ABE classes help individuals improve their skills in reading, writing, math, science, and social studies. Students take classes to reach personal and career goals, and to prepare for a High School Equivalency exam such as the GED or HiSET.
Reading, writing, and math classes are available at different levels, including beginning literacy (reading) and beginning numeracy (math). All Catholic Charities ABE classes are currently offered during the hours of 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and are available to anyone 16 years and older with at least an intermediate level of English proficiency. Programs are located in South Boston, Dorchester, and Lynn.
High School Diploma Program
The High School Diploma Program, offered at Catholic Charities Notre Dame Education Center in South Boston, enables students with 10 or more high-school credits to complete their studies and obtain a diploma from Boston’s Cathedral High School. This program is designed for Boston youth ages 16-24.
Catholic Charities North Education Center
117 N. Common Street
Lynn, MA 01902
Phone: 781-593-2312
South Boston
Catholic Charities Notre Dame Education Center
202 Colony Ave
South Boston, MA 02127
Carly Steinfeld
Outreach and Enrollment Coordinator
Phone: 617-506-6665
Haitian Multi-Service Center Adult Education Program
Yawkey Center
185 Columbia Road
Dorchester, MA 02121
Phone: 617-506-6600
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