Community Sponsorship

What is Community Sponsorship?

Community Sponsorship (CS) is a model of refugee resettlement that emphasizes the critical role of the local community in the refugee experience. Groups of individuals with a common bond, interest, or commitment to social justice, come together in support of a refugee or refugee family to make the experience of resettlement in a new society easier. Community Sponsorship Programs match refugees to CS groups for varying lengths of time with the goal of providing a range of key services to augment the support available for refugees.

What Community Sponsorship Programs are there?

Catholic Charities Boston offers five Community Sponsorship Programs. The differences between them fall into three categories:

a. The status of the refugee being served.

b. Whether it is a private or a public program

c. The range of services provided

PROGRAM**StatusProgram TypeRange of Services
Welcome CircleHumanitarian paroleePrivateVariable
Welcome CorpsRefugeePrivateFull
Community Support TeamRefugeePublicPartial
Permanent Housing ProgramVariablePublicVariable
*See individual program pages for details.
**Programs listed in the order they were formed.

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