It’s National Recovery Month. Here’s How Catholic Charities Boston is Helping those in Need of Support.

Hope and Healing Retreat for Women
For women of any age who seek hope and strength to help them deal with stress, anger, fatigue, and trauma in dealing with a loved one in active addiction or recovery.
From the evening of Friday, September 9th to noon on Sunday, September 11th, Director of Catholic Charities’ Laboure Center, Sister Maryadele, will be leading a retreat for women with a loved one who is struggling, or who has struggled in some capacity, with substance abuse disorder.
Drawing women from all over New England, the program takes place at Craigville Retreat Center-Manor House in Centerville, MA. While the average group size is typically 15, Sister Maryadele said they strive to welcome and make space for every woman who reaches out, offering financial aid options for those who cannot afford the $250 registration fee. Above all, Sister Maryadele said she seeks to promote an atmosphere of respect, hope, and compassion for the women who join.
Through the course of the weekend, Sister Maryadele leads the participants in difficult, but often healing, conversations, touching on everything from their loved ones’ experiences to ways to reduce the stigma around substance abuse disorder.
“Some people come for peace and quiet,” she said. “Others come for the education, or to express themselves. Many leave feeling renewed, more patient, and most of all, understood.”
For more information or to register, please contact: Sister Maryadele Robinson | 339-440-0859 |
Growth through Grief: Retreat for Mothers
Providing a weekend of healing, how to deal with grief, and methods of self-care for mothers who have lost a child to addiction/substance use disorder.
Beginning on Friday, November 18th through the morning of Sunday, November 20th, Sister Maryadele, director of Catholic Charities Boston’s Laboure Center, will be hosting a retreat exclusively for mothers grieving the loss of a child to substance abuse disorder. A natural leader and attentive listener, Sister Maryadele says her goal is to offer a loving space where mothers feel comfortable articulating their grief and connecting with others who empathize with their pain.
“The mothers often love to bond,” said Sister Maryadele. “They leave knowing they have found someone who they can talk to about their loss, someone who truly understands.”
Some of these difficult conversations happen spontaneously among women who forge friendships over the weekend; others are facilitated by the grief counselor, who is available for both group and one-on-one support throughout the program. The retreat will take place at Glastonbury Abbey: Stonecrest Building in Hingham, MA, with a $170 registration fee.
For more information or to register, please contact: Sister Maryadele Robinson | 339-440-0859 |
Growth through Grief Retreat for Fathers
A day of retreat for men affected by a loss from addiction/substance use disorder
On Saturday, November 12th, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Catholic Charities Boston will be offering a Growth through Grief retreat for fathers and father figures who have lost a child to substance abuse. Led by Sister Maryadele, who is the director of the Laboure Center, the retreat will take place at Boston College High School and welcomes people of all faiths and ages.
Despite being a single-day retreat, Sister Maryadele said she never fails to be amazed at the strong connections that are forged through the course of the day, and the profound healing that takes place when people encounter others who understand their grief.
In addition to discussing substance abuse disease and the stigma that surrounds it with the men, Sister Maryadele connects them to a trained grief counselor, who is available for support during the retreat. Registration costs $25 and can be paid by cash or check on the day of the event.
For more information or to register, please contact: Sister Maryadele Robinson | 339-440-0859 |
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